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Finishing off an unfinished Attic Space for Guests

A small child's playroom

Finishing Space for Guests Above Garage

Attic / Finishing Space for Guests Above Garage

As we were talking with these homeowners about the possibility of finishing the attic space above the garage they found out that they were going to be grandparents.  That sealed the deal for us.  They contracted with us to finish the interior of the space and make it a guest quarters.  The homeowners have a curbless shower stall in their main house.  Even though there are stairs to get to the guest quarter space, they loved the look and feel of this feature, they had us install a curbless shower stall in this space as well.  We installed a kitchenette in this space.  The homeowners purchased a pull out sleeper sofa for this area.  There is even a hidden playspace for their new granddaughter who arrived right before the Remodelers Home Tour which of course they had signed up for.  The solution was to give us access to the house so grandma could go be with her new granddaughter.  The space is heated and cooled by a Zoneline from Fergusons.

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